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Challenging Spot the Difference: Over 60 Timed Puzzles to Test Your Skills

by Giulia Lombardo

Your most exciting creative challenges start HERE!There’s no doubt about it: coloring is a great way to spur on creativity, while mazes make your brain work harder and better. But what if kids think coloring books are for babies–or mazes are just plain boring? Tell them to think again, because Spot the Difference, from the Challenging…Books series, gets the puzzle challenges started right here! There are up to 100 differences to spot…if you’re up to it! Every puzzle starts easy and gets harder, with time challenges to see if kids can beat the best of the rest. Spot those differences and beat the clock–then go ahead and color in some of these wacky, wonderful puzzles. Challenging… Books are perfect for kids who like to kick things up a notch. The only question is…are they up to the test? Encourage them to say yes, and they’ll enjoy hours of stimulating fun!