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Metal Earth 3D Metal Model Kit - Batman v Superman Batwing

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SKU: product-1275

The Metal Earth Batman models are amazingly detailed etched models that are fun and satisfying to assemble. Each model starts out as 4 inch square metal sheets and you simply pop out the pieces using wire cutters and follow the included directions to assemble your model. Drawing on a military vibe similar to the Dark Knight trilogy’s Bat, the Batman v Superman Batwing is a lightweight craft equipped with the various tools and weaponry needed for Bruce Wayne’s activities as Batman, as well as a remote control function allowing it to be piloted from the Batcave. It is used as an alternate means of travel when the Batmobile is unsuitable. The model measures 3.62 x 3.81 x 1.73 inches when assembled. Difficulty level: Moderate. No glue or solder needed.

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