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Ellen Hopkins

2 results
  • Life Inside My Mind: 31 Authors Share Their Personal Struggles (Reprint)

    by Amber Benson, Amy Reed, Aprilynne Pike, Candace Ganger, Cindy L Rodriguez, Crissa-Jean Chappell, Cyn Balog, Cynthia Hand, Dan Wells, E Kristin Anderson, Ellen Hopkins, Francesca Lia Block, Francisco X Stork, Hannah Moskowitz, Jennifer L Armentrout, Jessica Burkhart, Karen Mahoney, Kelly Fiore-Stultz, Kimberly McCreight, Lauren Oliver, Maureen Johnson, Megan Kelley Hall, Melissa Marr, Rachel M Wilson, Robison Wells, Sara Zarr, Sarah Fine, Scott Neumyer, Tara Kelly, Tom Pollock, Wendy Toliver

    Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $7.19.
  • Behind the Song

    by Anthony Breznican, David Arnold, Ellen Hopkins, G Love, K M Walton

    $14.99 Sold Out

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