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Dr. Seuss's ABC

by Dr Seuss
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SKU: 9780394800301

Nobody teaches kids the alphabet like the author of The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, and Hop on Pop! Arguably the most entertaining alphabet book ever written, this classic Beginner Book by Dr. Seuss is perfect for children learning their ABCs. Featuring a fantastic cast of zany characters–from Aunt Annie’s alligator to the Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz, with a lazy lion licking a lollipop and an ostrich oiling an orange owl–Dr. Seuss’s ABC is a must-have for every young child. BIG A, little a, what begins with A? Beginner Books are fun, funny, and easy to read! Launched by Dr. Seuss in 1957 with the publication of The Cat in the Hat, this beloved early reader series motivates children to read on their own by using simple words with illustrations that give clues to their meaning. Featuring a combination of kid appeal, supportive vocabulary, and bright, cheerful art, Beginner Books will encourage a love of reading in children ages 3-7.

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